Custom Procedure Trays and Packs Contain Standard Sizes of Surgical Strips, Syringes, and Other Items Designed For Specific Procedure

Custom Procedure Trays and Packs consists of reusable medical devices that are designed and installed specifically for a particular procedure. They are generally designed and installed for a particular procedure, which may include a single or multiple surgeries. The materials inside a custom procedure tray are all packed together in a single clean, sterile package. They contain items such as disposable gloves, syringes, gauze, and the like. The entire assembly unit is then tied down with a surgical cable and placed inside the surgical area. A cosmetic surgeon might use Custom Procedure Trays and Packs when performing liposuction on patients. When he or she opens the package, the cosmetic surgeon would find a disposable cannula, which is a stainless steel tube, and a series of plastic rings. These are the body parts that are to be removed from the patient's body during the liposuction. After they are removed, these reusable surgical packs could be easily sterilized...