Iodine helps make thyroid hormones, which help keep cells and the metabolic rate healthy.

Iodine Iodine is a trace element that may be found in some foods, is added to some forms of salt, and can also be purchased as a nutritional supplement. The thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) require iodine to function properly (T3). Thyroid hormones are essential regulators of metabolic activity because they govern numerous fundamental biochemical activities, such as protein synthesis and enzyme activity. In foetuses and babies, they are also essential for appropriate skeletal and central nervous system development. Iodine is also known as iodide, is a mineral that may be found in the earth's soil and ocean waters. Iodine may be found in a variety of salt water and plant-based meals, although it is most commonly found in iodized salt. It's critical to have adequate iodine in your diet. Hormones, foetal development, and other processes are all regulated by it. If your iodine levels are low, your doctor may advise you to take a supplement. You should ...