Stun Gun is One of the Most Used Self-Defense Products Today

Stun G un is one of the most used self-defense products today. This is as they are very portable, relatively inexpensive and many people believe that stun guns can subdue an attacker long before he is able to ensure it is to safety. This is the reason they've become one of the leading self-defense products in the marketplace today. Stun G un and tasers are generally totally non-lethal method of self-defense. A stun gun functions by attacking the nervous system of the attacker. A taser on one other hand works on the little bit of electricity to stop an attacker dead in his tracks. A stungun works on the high pulse rate to deplete the attacker's blood supply, thus rendering him unconscious and unable to keep with his attack. Within a couple of seconds, the attacker's blood is going to be drained since it is turned to lactic acid because of the short bursts of high voltage electricity. Most guns can deliver no more than one thousand volts of electricity. T...